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Energy Healing $99 per hour session
I use an intuitive combination of Reiki, Pranic Healing, and Sound Healing to address various emotional, physiological, or Spiritual issues. 

Yoga Nidra $99 per hour session
(Yogic Sleep)
A deep healing modality, similar to Hypnosis; where the Pineal Gland is activated, Melatonin is released, and immune function is boosted. This helps to manage cortisol levels, blood pressure and reduces symptoms of anxiety. 


Holistic Wellness Coaching $99 per hour session:

Learn Self-Hypnosis, EFT, energy protection, discernment,

creating and enforcing boundaries,

finding personal meditation styles and learning to practice 

breathing techniques, clearing the energy field,

balancing the chakras and subtle energy body,

finding life purpose, grounding, centering, and

staying focused.






(Utilizing ancient wisdom, techniques, and practices to help the individual restore or deepen their connection to source through Shamanic Journeying and Soul Retrieval) 


Soul Retrieval $120 per hour session

What is Soul Retrieval?

When trauma occurs, a part of our vital essence can separate from us to survive and escape the full impact of pain or fear. 

During Soul Retrieval a Shamanic Practitioner and the clients enter altered states of consciousness, assisting the client in retrieving the lost soul part. 


Shamanic Journey $120 per hour session

What is a Shamanic Journey?

Shamanism is a general term relating to the spiritual beliefs, traditions, techniques, and practices of indigenous cultures from around the world.

During a Shamanic Journey, the practitioner and the client enter altered states of consciousness in order to receive supernatural guidance for any life situation that the client may be facing.


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