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Hypnotherapy and Manifestation

People often talk about manifesting as if it’s a magic trick. Usually, I hear it in the context of “name it and claim it” or “feel the feeling of what it would be like when you have achieved your goal”. Actually, those things do work. We are constantly manifesting. We don’t always get what we want, however, or what is for our highest good because we are manifesting from our subconscious mind.

It’s a fact that 85% to 95% of our behaviors are controlled by our subconscious; we’re talking about beliefs, emotions, habits, self-perception, fears, patterns, tastes, defense mechanisms, identification, associations, etc. This is why Hypnotherapy is effective! It helps us change our programming.

What we can change consciously is limited. Our conscious mind contains our critical thinking, logic, willpower, voluntary movement, speech, etc. So it does its best to create our reality, but ultimately, the subconscious rules our lives.

For example, in my own life, I have manifested amazing things, rather quickly. More than once, I’ve manifested the perfect home to rent. In each situation, I was not even actively looking yet. I had just decided specifically what I wanted, envisioned it, and told a couple of friends. I am talking about VERY specific intentions, regarding the yard, garden area, age of the house, location, etc. I was contacted within a week or two and told that my perfect place was up for rent and I moved in within a month. In one circumstance I was sitting between two people who were talking to each other about the sweet little cottage I had been envisioning.

It’s happened this way with so many things in my life, not just homes. Unfortunately, none of these things were sustainable due to my tendency to self-sabotage. This tendency came from my subconscious programming. It wasn’t until I was in the midst of my personal “Dark Night of the Soul” that I learned how to reprogram my subconscious mind.

To reach that place of readiness, I had to experience incredible loss and pain. Every situation is different and I didn’t have knowledge of, or access to Hypnotherapy until a few years ago. I had to do a lot of deep inner work, which I also refer to as shadow work. I also did years of Therapy before I learned about the power of Hypnotherapy.

Every person will have a different recipe, but with Hypnotherapy as an ingredient, you can often fast-track. I’m not talking about a magical, quick fix here. There are some circumstances and concerns that Hypnosis can fix very quickly, like smoking cessation, etc. Other matters may require ongoing sessions for a more significant amount of time. You may want to do shadow work, receive mental health services, or medical care in addition to Hypnotherapy, depending on your unique circumstances.

What I can tell you definitively, is that your manifestations will be sustainable when you work with a trusted Hypnotherapist, because you will have new subconscious programming that is in line with your goals and intentions. You will no longer self-sabotage and be stuck in lifelong patterns or limiting beliefs!

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